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The company that develops strike aviation complexes of the operational-tactical level with computer vision on board is looking for investors to scale up production.
threshold of entry
annual income, $
term of the agreement
type of agreement
Why is it important to do this now?
While waiting, we lose time, money, democracy, and lives.
Developing military technologies – saving the lives of Ukrainians
The faster we provide resources to developers in defense tech, the sooner there will be quality results on the battlefield, the fewer homes will be destroyed, and the fewer Ukrainians will be killed.
Don't miss the opportunity to join the technological revolution.
For your investment, you have the opportunity to communicate with the smartest engineers and entrepreneurs who are at the forefront of dual-use technologies.
You are increasing your money, not losing it to inflation.
By keeping cash, you lose from 2% to 10% of your purchasing power every year. With a Deposit or government bonds, at best, you will break even.
Don't waste your time on independent project searches.
Are you tired of poor-quality presentations, inflated figures in financial models, or unrealistic calculations of profitability? Then there's no need to put up with it!